Mac: How to download and install HUE Animation from the Student Software Center
In order to install HUE Animation, you must first visit the Student Software Center.
To Get to the Student Software Center:
1. Open a Web browser and go to:
2. Log in with your Harker user name and password.
3. Click No as you are not downloading LanSchool.
4 . Click on your Operating System.1. Click on the green “HUE” icon, it will then download a file named “HUE”
2. Locate the “HUE” file and double-click it to extract the “HUE 1.6.1.pkg”
3. From your keyboard, “Control-Click” the pkg file and select “Open” to bypass security messages.
a. Should you encounter any security issues you can reference the article here:
4. Once the installation page is open, follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation.
a. Select “Continue” and then “Install”
b. Provide an administrator username and password to continue the install.
c. Once you receive the message that the installation was successful, select “Close”
d. You may receive a prompt to “Keep” or “Move to Trash”, select “Move to Trash”.
5. Make sure to delete the “HUE” and “HUE 1.6.1.pkg”. Empty your trash bin once the items have been deleted to ensure they are completely gone.
6. Open/Launch HUE Animation, it will be in your Applications Folder. You will receive a prompt to create a workspace (the “Documents” folder does not work as a workspace location, we suggest using your “Desktop”).
You are now ready to use the HUE!