On occasion, a student or staff member may run into issues connecting to websites or going through the filter. When this happens, thing you should do is make sure you are logged into the filter. If you still have issues after that point, please follow the instructions below.

Google Chrome: 

First, click the three gray dots in the top right corner of the application near the search bar. 

This will open up a new menu with multiple items you can access. For now, click settings, which will redirect you to a new page. The new page will look similar to what is pictured below. 

On this settings page, scroll down all the way to the bottom, where you will find text reading "Advanced Options" with a down arrow next to it. Click this to expand the Settings page and give you more options. 

The page will extend giving you access to new options. 

From here, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Here, you will find an option that says "Reset Settings"

Click the "Reset Settings" option, and a new window will appear.

It is up to the user if they would like to report the current status to Google or not. The information will not send anything vital or sensitive, but is just a software report. After you decide, click the reset settings option.

After this, you will notice that all add ons, themes, and anything else installed on Chrome should have disappeared. You will also notice that if logged in, it will now say your account is "Paused" in the top right corner near the search bar. This is because Google has logged you out during the reset, so the browser is no longer able to sync your account. 

In order to fix this, all you have to do is click the icon, and log back in using your normal Harker credentials. 

After you log in, look at your icon in the corner again to confirm it is no longer pausing sync. 

Once you have confirmed that, make sure you are logged into the filter and try accessing the program or website you couldn't before again. It is important to note that resetting all extensions only turns them off on Chrome. If turning them off didn't work, you may need to fully remove them from the browser. 

Like before, click on the three gray dots in the righthand corner. This time in the menu however, move your cursor to "More tools" and an additional window should pop up. Click "Extensions" in this new menu window. 

This will bring you to a new page, here you can select which Extensions you want to turn on and off, and if you want to remove them entirely. Use your judgement when reactivating them again, we suggest testing each Extension one at a time to find the one that conflicts with your program.

If Chrome still does not function properly after these steps are followed, please contact the Help Desk via the ticketing system if possible.